Things that Annoy Me.

Posted by on Tuesday

I've decided that because of the fact I have nothing else to do with my life, I will jot down some of the MANY things that annoy me on a day-to-day basis. Here are just some of them. (I will most likely update this list often).

1. People who don't reply to your texts, Facebook messages, Tweets, etc.

You are probably a giant pile of ass if you don't reply to this shit. I'm sorry, I don't care what you're doing. If you don't reply to me, especially if YOU CLEARLY READ IT, I will disregard you as a human being. This hatred is exceptionally worse if I asked you a question and you read it... and didn't reply; Just letting you know I hate you and you're probably dead to me. (Unless it was actually an accident, in that case let a brotha know).

This would be me if I was lucky enough to actually get a reply from someone
2. People who pretend to like something because it's "cool".
This annoyance usually occurs when something that was once viewed as being unacceptable (a.k.a. Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Silent Hill, Harry Potter) becomes a trend that makes the person who likes it seem original. Unfortunately, on numerous occasions I have facepalmed myself due to the fact that these people actually know nothing about the subject in question.

Example: (This actually happened to me)

Person: Ocarina of Time was the best game. It beats out everything else, no question.
Me: I know right, but Majora's Mask was really good too.
Person: Ah! I would have played that if I had a Gameboy!
Me: *facepalm*

3. People who follow the Hipster trend TOO closely.

Honestly, as much as Hipsters annoy me, I've learned to live with them. What I haven't learned to live with however, are thirteen year old girls of the hipster gene. I can't say I appreciate a Grade 8 student wearing a Nirvana shirt and telling me her favorite song is "Smells Like Teen Spirit". This hatred also goes along with those people who act like complete assturds and decide that since they've switched their favorite genre of music from Flo Rida to Mumford & Sons they have a right to post their lyrics every two minutes on Facebook and of course, Instagram.

This picture was taken after preteen girl walked into the studio wearing a Nirvana shirt.
4. People who ditch you, constantly, for no reason other than blatant stupidity. 
Another great reason why I hate most of society. You would think that after planning something with someone they would care enough to go, right? Sometimes, that's just not the case. Just think of this; You made plans for this Wednesday. Wednesday passes; no text, no confirmation, no "are we still hanging out?" just death and deceit. Now you're stuck watching 27 Dresses with your cats. Weeks later, you finally realize that they didn't even forget; they just didn't give two shits. Now that's friendship, folks.

5. Awkward encounters.

It could be anywhere; Bus, train, restaurant, but it happens all the time. You're sitting in a bus shelter pretending to listen to music when out of nowhere: A man in a dark trenchcoat walks past. He smiles at you, takes off his trenchcoat, and is wearing a dress. He also has chest hair. I know what you're thinking, good on you Trenchcoat man, good on you. But unfortunately his music is blasting and he is currently singing the words to Dancing Queen. What can you do? Nothing. Because you're just a random person, and exactly why an awkward encounter may be the worst thing known to mankind.

And there you have it. For now, at least.



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